Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Shall We Call This a Lesson Learned?

I was packing my suitcases and working out the logistics of getting back to Alabama when I was finally told... I got the job.

If I'd gotten it the moment I came to the city, I don't think I would appreciate it this much. I don't think I would have felt this much, or learned so much about myself.

I think it's important that people know, right out the gate, that I live my life as though I have Meredith Grey providing narration. I find a number of her quotes applicable to my life... and not just the romantic, wanderlusty ones.

I thought fireworks would go off the moment I got the "you're hired" call. But they didn't. I've grown so accustomed to the act of carrying on that I almost carried on through it. I nodded my head, said thank you, and immediately began making plans: what am I going to do with my car? How will I commute? What part of the city should I live in? Should I live in Arlington or Alexandria? Can I go home for Christmas?

I had to stop myself and remind myself to be happy, to be thrilled - to be excited. And I am.